Heading Towards I Dunno
Dunno Topic,
Heading Topic,
i Topic,
Towards Topic,
The report said East winds at 5mph, but it doens't feel it. No, the onshore wind is hardly there at all and I set out on the sleepiest of waves - half a foot high at most and nearly two canoe lengths peak to peak. These are tired waves that have come a good distance from somewhere where there is some wind. One wouldn't notice them if they weren't so long and slow. You'd fall asleep on them if you didn't keep paddling.

I head north towards "I dunno". Several fishermen are soaking lines from the ends of the Flag Rocks, the rocks fully exposed at low tide. I hoped for some interesting birds - the winter birds, but the birds all seem to be asleep along with the waves. I wonder when the long tail ducks will arrive with their brilliant black and whiteness and none stop chattering, a nasal...uh....uh uh, over and over again. Their nesting grounds should be well frozen by now, but a bird that can nest that far north is probably in no hurry to get here. I suppose that as long as it stays ahead of the freeze, it should be just fine.
The report said East winds at 5mph, but it doens't feel it. No, the onshore wind is hardly there at all and I set out on the sleepiest of waves - half a foot high at most and nearly two canoe lengths peak to peak. These are tired waves that have come a good distance from somewhere where there is some wind. One wouldn't notice them if they weren't so long and slow. You'd fall asleep on them if you didn't keep paddling.
I head north towards "I dunno". Several fishermen are soaking lines from the ends of the Flag Rocks, the rocks fully exposed at low tide. I hoped for some interesting birds - the winter birds, but the birds all seem to be asleep along with the waves. I wonder when the long tail ducks will arrive with their brilliant black and whiteness and none stop chattering, a nasal...uh....uh uh, over and over again. Their nesting grounds should be well frozen by now, but a bird that can nest that far north is probably in no hurry to get here. I suppose that as long as it stays ahead of the freeze, it should be just fine.
In the distance, an oystercatcher. In the foreground, an oystercatcher. |
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and done for Heading Towards I Dunno, hope this will helfuly. okey, see you on the next post.
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